Title: “Divine Standard Bearers”
Date: March 2, 2014 Speaker/Pastor: Rev. Dr. Melvin A. TurnbullNotes: Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. Melvin A. Turnbull begins evangelism month…
Notes: Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. Melvin A. Turnbull begins evangelism month…
Notes: To conclude stewardship month, teams from the congregation delivered the…
Notes: Pastor Arvan Hodge preaches this sermon titled, “From the Ashes…
Notes: Pastor Ethlyn Rhymer speaks about Stewardship – the God given…
Notes: Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. Melvin Turnbull continued on the subject,…
Notes: Newly elected Minister Janice V. Smith speaks on the topic…
Notes: Senior Pastor, took the congregation on a scriptural journey to…
Notes: Minister Melvin “Mitch” Turnbull on this Youth Sunday spoke about our…
Notes: Pastor Arvan Hodge enlightens us from the book of Philippians…