Title: “Angels Welcomed Him as the King of Glory”
Date: December 2, 2013 Speaker/Pastor: Pastor Ethlyn RhymerNotes: From the book of Psalm 24, Pastor Ethlyn Rhymer preached…
Notes: From the book of Psalm 24, Pastor Ethlyn Rhymer preached…
Notes: Pastor Arvan Hodge, delivers a sermon from the popular story…
Notes: Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. Melvin A. Turnbull preaches the sermon…
Notes: In this special back to school service, Bro. Christopher Simpson…
Notes: Rev. Dr. Michael Turnbull, preaches a sermon entitled, “Giving More…
Notes: Guest Pastor, Rickey Allen Bolden of the New Community Church…
Notes: Pastor Ethlyn Rhymer provokes the thoughts by preaching the sermon,…
Notes: Pastor Rhymer reminds us of the legacy that King Josiah…